“Changing the way you look at concrete.” LIGHT SAND BLAST Sandblasting is one of the many methods used to texture the surface of hardened concrete. The degree of blasting may vary from light cleaning to a deep cutting operation that exposes aggregates to a three-fourth of an inch depth of more. iPHONE PICS 1174iPHONE PICS 305iPHONE PICS 596iPHONE PICS 598iPHONE PICS 612iPHONE PICS 747iPHONE PICS 752iPHONE PICS 759iPHONE PICS 767iPHONE PICS 811iPHONE PICS 819iPHONE PICS 821iPHONE PICS 826iPHONE PICS 827iPHONE PICS 988iPHONE PICS 989iPHONE PICS 996iPHONE PICS 1099iPHONE PICS 596